
Developing practical, social skills and personal interests (learning about)

  • To inspire young people to develop practical and social skills and personal interests.
  • Ultimately participants must be able to prove that they have broadened their understanding and increased their expertise in the chosen skill.

Examples are:

  • Creative arts
  • Performance arts
  • Science and technology
  • Care of animals
  • Music
  • Life skills
  • Learning and collecting
  • Media and communication
  • Natural world
  • Games and sports

Below we have provided just some of the skills opportunities available for DofE.

Ask an adult to be your Assessor, this will usually be the person in charge, an expert or qualified to help you develop in your chosen activity.

The DofE website is a great resource for finding skills opportunities

FREE: First Aid Self Teaching St John Ambulance

The First Aid DofE toolkit from St John Ambulance will give you everything you need to learn lifesaving skills at your pace as part of your DofE award. You will find suggested activities, worksheets and activities to put together your own schedule of activity to help meet the aim of your DofE section.

COSTS APPLY: Warhammer

Learn the skills required to paint battle-ready models. Free Warhammer skills model painting demonstration available in store, we have one in the Victoria Shopping centre.

COSTS APPLY: Soakster (£25)

Learn to make bath bombs, soap & sugar scrubs on a 12 week Bronze skills course.

COSTS APPLY: Sassy Stirrers (£75 – 3 months / £125 – 6 months / £295 – 12 months)

Complete your life skills Duke of Edinburgh requirements at home. You provide the ingredients and equipment – we provide the rest. Your own online tutor will support you with interesting recipes, evidence sheets plus useful tips & some videos.

COSTS APPLY: GA Driving Education (£65)

Our Driving Skills Courses are perfect for any young person interested in learning to gain an early education for their skills requirement of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. This is a home-based course, fully supported with a dedicated assessor, and available to everyone aged 13+

COSTS APPLY: Ignite Hubs (£35 – 3 months / £70 – 6 months / Bursary fund available)

Learn to code with Ignite Hubs, learn at your own pace, no previous coding experience required, benefit from your own Code Mentor, taught entirely online with weekly meetings via video conference.


HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III