Group Information
POR (Policy Organisation and Rules)
POR is a set of guidelines that governs the running of the group and any activities undertaken by its members, it gives guidance on the roles of Leaders and Executive members.
The POR document is freely available for any parent or guardian and can be found on the Scouting website at
Keeping our Scouts safe
The safeguarding of young people in our care is very important. The Scout Association has various processes in place to ensure that appropriate adults can take up volunteering opportunities; one element being the requirement of a Disclosure check on our system called “COMPASS”. When an adult volunteers with Scouting they are added to Compass. Depending on the role they have chosen, a Disclosure check may be required.
General Data Protection Regulations
All information is held confidentially in accordance with the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) electronically by Online Scout Manager which is accessible by the leadership team of the Scout Group and yourselves via the parent portal.
The 4th Thorpe Bay Scout Group Executive Committee asks that this data is checked regularly and at least every term to ensure it stays accurate, as parents can amend the data at any time you do not need to wait for this check.
All information is given voluntarily but is needed to help ensure the wellbeing of all the members whilst in our care. Some information is required by the UK Scout Association for the annual census which gives statistics on how many people are Scouting nationally.
The group will retain your personal information, throughout the time you/your child(ren) are a member of 4th Thorpe Bay Scout Group and Patriot ESU. We do need to continue to hold data in a much more limited form for longer (just name, badge and attendance records) to fulfil our legal obligations for insurance and legal claims. We will also keep any Gift Aid Claim information for the statutory 7 years as required by HMRC.
Online Scout Manager
Online Scout Manager (OSM) has been designed by leaders for leaders – it gives leaders the ability to do all their administration in one simple, secure, system. It is not just a system for leaders though, OSM’s Parent Portal provides the parents the facility to ensure their own child’s basic address and contact records are kept up to date with all the relevant information about medical and dietary needs as well as allergy details. It also gives parents the tools to see the programme, view badge progress and load evidence of any work their child may have done at home and sign their child up to events.
Gift Aid
We’re a charity and if you are a UK taxpayer and provide us with a Gift Aid declaration, we can reclaim the tax from the Government. That’s 25p for every £1 you have already paid on your membership subscriptions. If all our members agreed to Gift Aid we can claim vital extra funds that help us fund the group.
Once a young person has been attending for about 3/4 weeks, has decided they would like to become a member of 4th Thorpe Bay Scout Group or Patriot ESU and has worked towards the membership badge, the section leader will arrange a date for investing the young person into the Beaver Colony, Cub Pack, Scout Troop or Explorer unit.
The young person will take part in an investiture ceremony, when they say the promise of their choice and be presented with their group neckerchief, woggle and starter badges (world, district and group). Parents and guardians are most welcome to attend the ceremony. Details will be sent out at the time via OSM e-mail.
We expect young members to be ready, respectful, responsible role models and show a reasonable degree of behaviour and if necessary, we will contact the parents to discuss any problems. Only in exceptional circumstances will a young person be asked to leave the Group.
Parents can inform leaders of their child’s absence from standard weekly sessions via the programme on the OSM parent portal. If a young person misses three sessions without any apology being given they may lose their place in the group.
Annual General Meeting
The Group is required to hold an Annual General Meeting every year to:
- receive the annual statement of the Group Executive Committee (including the annual statement of accounts)
- to elect an Executive Committee for the coming year. Presentations will also be given by each section.
- 4th Thorpe Bay Scout Group usually holds their AGM in September and all parents are invited to attend.
Like most things nothing is free, but as a group we try to keep our costs to a minimum and fundraising helps us to achieve this.
Outlined below are the current standard costs:
£32.50 per term for Beavers
£37.50 per term for Cubs and Scouts
£40 per term for Explorers (Patriot ESU)
The subscription costs cover – capitation, running and activity costs.
Additional costs could be for camps and day trips that are arranged through the year, although the group does its best to subsidise the larger more expensive camps.
A bank camp is available to enable you the parents to pay in instalments that suit your own personal circumstance, speak to the Group Treasurer for details.